Treasured Bond
By: Dorothy Kardas,Psy.D.Th.D.
Deceitful are lips which cry out
That sin does not breed moral and physical ills
That moral failings do not bring about death.
Ponder instead
Over each drop
Of His costly Blood...
Devious are lips which claim
That in pain there is not much merit and gain.
Ponder instead
Upon each drop
Of His Sacred Blood...
Deceiving are lips which utter
That being alive can dishearten thee
Deceiving are those that abhor the painful
Painful yet as gems imperishable... gainful
Lips that vainly rejoice and cheer
Displeasing lips
Dispraising the painful and gainful
Instead of praising...
Instead of pleasing the Lord...
For cunning indeed is the lore
Of children of the world
Rather guard,
Ponder upon
And at all times treasure,
The perfect treasure of His Sacred Blood.

By: Dorothy Kardas,Psy.D.Th.D.
Deceitful are lips which cry out
That sin does not breed moral and physical ills
That moral failings do not bring about death.
Ponder instead
Over each drop
Of His costly Blood...
Devious are lips which claim
That in pain there is not much merit and gain.
Ponder instead
Upon each drop
Of His Sacred Blood...
Deceiving are lips which utter
That being alive can dishearten thee
Deceiving are those that abhor the painful
Painful yet as gems imperishable... gainful
Lips that vainly rejoice and cheer
Displeasing lips
Dispraising the painful and gainful
Instead of praising...
Instead of pleasing the Lord...
For cunning indeed is the lore
Of children of the world
Rather guard,
Ponder upon
And at all times treasure,
The perfect treasure of His Sacred Blood.

Dorothy K. Kardas is a poet and has authored several poetry and essay books. Born July 21st, 1957 in Poland, her poems have also appearexd in several anthologies and have received several awards. Her poems have an erudite feel to them and often require the reader to use a dictionary to get the full meaning of the words. More of her poems can be found at here. This poem is published on this webpage with her permission.
To see the January, 2009 poem, click here.
To see the December, 2008 poem, click here.
To see Steve Turner's poem on the bookclub page, click here.
Profoundly powerful messages in this verse. Indeed, embracing pain is embracing the Cross and following Christ for suffering has an enormous purifying and sanctifying power. This poet is well known to be devoted to eternal truth, bravely chasing the social and political errors and the immorality of the modern age. Love her uncompromising poetical style in defending Christian truth. She is also a great confrontational and convincing satirist.
this poem did indeed make me "ponder instead over each drop of His costly blood." Thanks!
A lot of times I don't "get" modern poetry. But I understand this one. It's nice.
Profound,inspitational, enlightening,morally sound, God-Loving poetry. Absoutely a no-nonsense WARRIOR for CHRIST!
God bless and keep up the spiritual nurishment for this "GOD STARVED" world!
We appreciate the very deep spiritual messages in this poet's work. The Dr. definitely is a courageous writer for God's Truth.
Does a superb job with convincing arguements...she is a Champion of Verse that leads others back to the Supernatural Laws...which supercede mortals imperfect "laws" Thank you for the link to her works, we visit them often and lead others to them also. Also, Thank you Dr. Kardas for being God's "Conservative-conservative" & a Heavenly Hero for the voiceless and unborn. God Bless you and your missionary work. Harry & Jane Grendwald & Family Seattle, WA
Extraordinarily moving poem!
Takes the heart and soul to the foot of HIS CROSS of PASSION / with compassion. Perfect contemplation during Lenten Season.
J&J Steele Family thank you.
P.S. Christians should be more involved to "change" this very sad state our country is in...if we don't..the worst is yet to come!
Really thought provoking, fiery stuff! A true God's Poet! Good for you Dr. Go after all those pagans out there who are trying to ruin our eternal values...and take God out of our country!
Best poem, getting to my heart and soul.
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