**Disclaimer—Artists Workbench is not affiliated with Mr. Turner in any way and does not profit from the sale of his books or products. We are simply reading his book as part of our book club.
In January and February, your assignment will be to obtain a copy of the book and read it. In March, your assignment will be to discuss the book, either online or with a group of friends or Artists Workbench associates. Discussion questions will be posted later.
For more detailed information about the book or book club, refer to our December announcement here.
Steve Turner, the author of the book we are reading this quarter, is a Christian, a poet, and a music journalist living in Merry Olde England. Below is one of his published poems for your enjoyment.
How to Hide Jesus
There are people after Jesus.
They have seen the signs.
Quick, let's hide Him.
Let's think; carpenter,
fishermen's friend,
disturber of religious comfort.
Let's award Him a degree in theology,
a purple cassock
and a position of respect.
They'll never think of looking here.
Let's think;
His dialect may betray Him,
His tongue is of the masses.
Let's teach Him Latin
and seventeenth century English,
they'll never think of listening in.
Let's think;
Man of Sorrows,
nowhere to lay His head.
We'll build a house for Him,
somewhere away from the poor.
We'll fill it with brass and silence.
It's sure to throw them off.
There are people after Jesus.
Quick, let's hide Him.
Steve Turner
Attention, Attention, Attention! We are hoping to have some in-person book discussion groups in March. If you are interested, consider the following thoughts:
1. You can have a group of friends come to your home privately if you already know everybody who is invited…say, perhaps several people from your home church are reading this book and you want to have a private discussion.
2. You can host a non-private discussion and invite people from Artists Workbench in your area. If you choose to do this, we highly suggest you choose a public place to hold your discussion, such as a coffee shop or your church (not your home). If you do this, please contact Todd at Epistrophy@aol.com so your gathering can be publicized to the group.
3. If you do not wish to host a group, check back in February and March for listings of discussion group meetings in your area.
4. If you are unable to attend a discussion group in person due to locality, time constraints, or whatever, feel free to post and discuss your thoughts on the March edition of the Artists WorkBench site.
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