It's also National Flower Month. Below is a dance choreographed to look like a seed germinating and a flower blooming.
First week of May is Teacher Appreciation Week
Second week is Police Appreciation Week
May 12 is Internatonal Nurses' Day
Thank a person who has helped you. Was it that police officer who calmed you
down after the accident, or the teacher who gave you a spark and a push? Perhaps
it was that nurse who helped you through a difficult diagnosis. Here are 5
inexpensive ways to say, "Thank You."
-Give a flower from your garden (or buy a plant)
-Bake some cookies
-Send a photo of yourself (if you can dig up a photo of you and the other person together, all the better)
-For a person who has done many things to help you, write all the reasons
you thank him/her on pretty paper. Put the papers in a glass jar. Glue a label
on the jar that says something like "30 reasons I'm thankful for you."
Remember to explain why you are thanking that person. A heartfelt,
handwritten note is always great, whether or not it accompanies a gift. And,
don't forget to tell that person's supervisor about your appreciation for the
employee who went an extra mile.
May 1 is Mother Goose Day. For Mother Goose rhymes and other goodies, click here.
May 2- Holocaust Rememberance Day (Yom Hashoah. For information, click here.
May 5- Cinco de Mayo. For information, click here.
May 7- Anniversary of establishment of the Pulitzer Prize. To view a list of winners, past and present, click here.
May 9- Anniversary of the first newspaper cartoon published. It was a political cartoon drawn by Benjamin Franklin. View it above. For more information on the history of political cartoons, click here.
May 10- Mother's Day. For a listing of famous mothers, click here. Above: James Whistler made his mother famous with the painting entitled "Whistler's Mother." But, this painting on the left, also by Whistler, casts a much more motherly light. It's titled "At the Piano" and it was painted in 1858-59.
May 12- Limerick Day. For information on writing limericks, click here.
A limerick that President Woodrow Wilson liked and quoted a lot:
As a beauty I'm not a great star,
There are others more handsome by far,
But my face, I don't mind it,
Because I'm behind it--
'Tis the folks in the front that I jar.

May 15 -L. Frank Baum's birthday (the author of the Wizard of Oz). For a biography, click here.
May 16- Armed forces day
The first Armed Forces Day was signed into law by Harry Truman.
"The heritage of freedom must be guarded as carefully in peace as it was in war. Faith, not suspicion, must be the key to our relationships. Sacrifice, not selfishness, must be the eternal price of liberty. Vigilance, not appeasement, is the byword of living freedoms. Our Armed Forces in 1950--protecting the peace, building for security with freedom--are "Teamed for Defense ..."
General Omar N. Bradley
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
May 18- International Museum Day
For a listing of over 60 museums in the Inland Empire,

May 22- Buy a musical instrument day. Of course, we would like everyone to buy a musical instrument today, even if it's a simple slide whistle, but in this economy, some people may feel more comfortable making their own musical instruments. For a good listing of how to make several different percussion instruments, click here.
May 25- National Tap Dance Day. For information on tap dance, click here. For a basic tutorial on tap dance, watch the video below.

May 29- Anniversary of the first Europeans to climb Mt. Everest.
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