Got an event we should showcase? Let us know!
Attention: No Songwriters Showcase in December due to the holiday season. The next Christian Songwriters Showcase will be Saturday, January 24, 2009 at GFE in Highland from 4:30-6:30.

December 5th-7th and 12th-14th, First Baptist Church of Hemet is having its 27th annual Christmas Celebration concert. Call (951) 658-7133 for tickets, directions, and more information.

December 6th, 20th, and 30th, Lifehouse Theater in Redlands, performs Miracle on 34th Street. Call (909) 335-3037 for tickets, directions, and information. Ticket prices: adults $12-$18 and children $6-$9. Group prices are available. Also, see Lifehouse auditions schedule below if you are an actor/actress.

December 10th (Wednesday) Calvary Chapel of San Bernardino (The Red Barn) is hosting “The Three Wisemen.” Who are they? See their webpage at The Red Barn is located on Baseline Street between Del Rosa and Tippecanoe Avenues. For directions or information call (909) 381-5353.

December 11th-13th (Thursday-Saturday) Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland, CA presents “Bethlehem’s Big Night.” This is a Christmas dramatic musical and dessert theater. Cost is $12 per ticket, and tickets for a full table of 8 are $90. For any questions, directions, or advance issues, please contact Sharon Paul at or 909-425-1777.

December 12th (Friday), Apple Valley Baptist Church will host a Christmas Concert 7:00-9:30 in the sanctuary of the church. The church is located at 22434 Nisqually Rd. in Apple Valley. For more information or directions call (760) 247-5891.

2009 Lifehouse Theater Auditions:
January 13th 2009- auditions for Ecclesiastes: The Wisdom of King Solomon* (non-musical production)
February 5th, 2009-auditions for The Hiding Place* (non-musical production)
March 5th, 2009- auditions for Peter Pan
April 16th, 2009- auditions for Zorro
June 4th, 2009-auditions for Little House on the Prairie
For more information on Lifehouse auditions or Lifehouse Theater, go to
Do you have a Southern California concert, theater production, art gallery exhibit, dance show, etc. that you would like in the Artists’ Work B.e.n.c.h. calendar? (Events do not necessarily have to be connected to churches.) Please e-mail information to If your event meshes with the mission of Artists’ Work B.e.n.c.h., we will post it.
-It has to promote a mainline Christian worldview (although it doesn’t necessarily have to be in a church or even church-y).
-It has to be fine arts related (concert, gallery show, performance, etc.)
-It cannot be on Sunday morning because that conflicts with the hours most of our members go to church. If you have an event taking place on Sunday morning, you want new people, unchurched people, to come, not a bunch of Christians on a field trip.
-Priority is given to events that include active Artists Work B.e.n.c.h. members
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